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D-rank Missions

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1D-rank Missions Empty D-rank Missions Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:00 pm



Mission Name: Grocery shopping like never before!
Faction: Genin
Rank: D-Rank
P.C: 4
Country: Any
Mission Description: You open the refridgerator to raid its contents only to face the emptiness within, that is when you realized that you need to go shopping for everything as your stomach grumbles with hunger. Scrambling to the nearest storem you witness a little 11-year old looking kid who happan to have fire nature. Once you deal with him, your water is snatched away by a fragile old lady who surprisingly uses a shadow clone jutsu and will use it when she sees you trying to get your water back. After all of that and you think you are in the clear, a rouge ninja appears catches you by surprise and your ninja supplies get taken in the end, you must fight defeat them to get the supplies back.  
Reward: 10,000 Ryo l 25 XP l 1FP

Mission Name: Beating a Cult
Faction: Special Jonin
Type: Solo
Rank: B-Rank
P.C: 5
Country: Any
Mission Description: Word around town is that a new cult of has taken roon in town and is planning on sacrifing 50 innocent people to a god named Lord Badameshan. It was discovered that all of the men, who are rumored to be around 10 of them, all have water nature and you must defeat them to save the citizens.
Reward: 100,000 Ryo l 500 XP l 1FP

Mission Name: Capture the Bea...Panda?
Faction: Chunin
Type: Team
Rank: C-Rank
P.C: 5
Country: Any
Mission Description: A rampaging panda is terrorizing your village and it's citizens, you discover that it uses earth nature and will attack on sight. It's decription is of a panda, black and white with razor sharp claws and small deviled horns. You rush to confront it before anymore damage is done.
Reward: 30,000 Ryo l 50 XP l 1FP

Mission Name: Killing a weak ant...or is it?
Faction: Chunin
Rank: C-Rank
P.C: 5
Country: Any
Mission Description: Mr. Pasedy was practicing chakra sciene like usual when he fumbled the bottle and spilled raw tainted chakra unto a wondering ant. Promptly the ant started growing until he was 70 feet tall, sprouting red wings in the process. He wreckes havoc on the lab before escaping, showcasing different types of jutsus and manifesting fire nature. You are charged with capturing it and bringing it back to Mr.Pasedy's lab alive to have the antidote tested on the ant. When cured he is back to his normal self but exbibitng faster motions than before the spill.
Reward: 30,000 Ryo l 50 XP l 1FP

Mission Name: The Ultimate Rivalry
Faction: Genin
Type:[/center] Rivalry
Rank: D-Rank
P.C: 4
Country: Any
Mission Description: You must for a rivalry with another player of the game. Must be two players, no npcs.
List of Task:
1. Shuriken thrown at a target
2. Running Match
3. Ramen Eating Contest
4. Hopschot
5. Nature Show-off contest
6. Explosion Comparison
7. A fight
8. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Recomendations: Having the same amount of wins for each player for the betterment of the rivalry.

Reward: 10,000 Ryo l 25 XP l 1FP

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