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1BLEACH Empty BLEACH Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:25 pm






(Biography Format by Taichou and Thanatus)[/size]

BLEACH 29ad41d8ed11c7f6566f3bbe0547e070
Biography Format Template

All Shinigami biographies will be placed here.[/size]


“Character Quote goes here.”
“Character Quote goes here.”
“Character Quote goes here.”
“Character Quote goes here.”
BLEACH Be5aa85f0b4c4a673f1103be2c398da8
Character Name:
Actual Age: How old is your character (Shinigami and Spiritual beings can live for hundreds of years)?
Physical Age: How old does your character appear to be?
Race: Soul Born/Deceased/Human/Vizard
Birthday: Timeline will be A.D.
Gender: MaleBLEACH ZazwGl/BLEACH 75a826f9b61d09d1f0477153850c2684Female

Blood Type:
BLEACH 06884a638a4452eb10b852a2cd3c11f1
Affiliation: Visored/Gotei 13/ Seretei/ Soul Society/Onmitsukido/Human World/ Urahoro Town
Profession: Shinigami/Substitute Shinigami
Title: Captain Commander/Captain/Vice-Captain(Lieutenant)/Seated Member/Kido Corps Commander
Position:Guard/Scientist/Medic/Reporter/Head of Noble Family/Kido Corps Member/President of Research and Development Institution/Head of the Onmitsukido/Head of the Detention Unit/Shino Academy Instructor
Division: What Squad or Division are you in?
Previous Division: If you’ve changed Squads what was your previous Squad?
Partner(s): Who do you mainly work with?
Previous Partner(s):
Base of Operations: Seretei/Soul Society/Visored Warehouse/Urahoro Town/Human World/ Division HQ/Maggots Nest/Dangai/Shino Academy
BLEACH 8691a2e7eda6e77d6702a9e77dbfa172
Notable Features: What physical features or traits stand out about your character? (i.e, do they appear as an animal? Are they missing a limb?)
Personality: How does your character behave? What sort of habits does he or she have? How are they perceived by others?
Relatives: Does your character have any relatives?
BLEACH 6995aa888d710fc77d00c1955ebfe337
Reiryoku Level:  
A power aligned with the spiritual sensitivity and willpower of the user. It is used by Shinigami to provide power for their various feats and to effectively channel the powers of their Zanpakuto. It can also be used to cast Kido, magic spells created by the Shinigami. Reiryoku can even be coalesced into a physical form and thrown or shot as a projectile. As a display of potency, spiritual beings have the ability to incapacitate the opponent's movement and simultaneously frighten them, by means of dispersing Reiryoku into the air. The aforementioned ability is known as Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure), possessing power that could be literally felt within the atmosphere.

Basic Spiritual Power- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing a level of spiritual power that is minimal. This level of power is common among those who may or may not be spiritually aware to a small degree but otherwise have no real spiritual power. This is also a common level of power for a regular human. (Below Average-class)

Average Spiritual Power- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an average level of spiritual power. This level of power is common among those of significant spiritual awareness and may even possess powers of their own but the power levels can vary among individuals. This is also a common level of power for a low ranking seated and non seated members of the Gotei 13 or lesser power individuals.

High Spiritual Power- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an above average amount of spiritual power, which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average lieutenant rank and high ranked seated officers.

Great Spiritual Power-  This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing a large amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average Captain rank.

Immense Spiritual Power- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is reflected in its ability to enhance a user during combat as well as its ability to affect the surrounding environment on a controlled level, allowing the wielder to use it in combat to startling degrees.

Vast Spiritual Power- This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an enormous amount of spiritual energy which is wild and untamed. This level of spiritual power has a possible tendency to leak from a person or when released can affect the surrounding area in a destructive way. Those of this level have no actual masterful control over their massive spiritual power, as it can affect those around them unintentionally.

Sensing Reiryoku:
basic ability that beings with higher-than-average levels of Reiryoku possess is the ability to sense other spiritual beings without relying on their five basic senses. This is possible because every spiritual being emits a certain amount of his/her own Reiryoku in the form of Reiatsu, which can be sensed. This ability apparently requires some innate skill, but can be increased with training.

Novice- Refers to one who has little to no ability in sensing or detecting the spiritual power of others. Though sensitive to strong sources of spiritual power they may find themselves unable to locate or track its source.

Basic-- Refers to an individual with rudimentary understanding and talent regarding this skill. Users are able to detect and locate the spiritual powers of beings like Pluses, Jibakurei, Tsukirei, standard Hollows as well as basic Souls and low seated Shinigami.

Expert- Refers to a person able to greater detect and track the spiritual powers of others over greater distance and with much more accuracy, while also being able to read and differentiate between the various Reiryoku Patterns of Spiritual Beings and gauging their strength and reiatsu level. Such individuals are able to capitalize on this ability during combat, detecting attacks from enemies faster and with much more ease than those beneath their skill level.  

Master- Refers to the most talented and/or those who have trained and honed their ability, refining it over time. These individuals are able to detect and track the spiritual power of beings over vast distances, able to follow their movements even if not within their field of vision. Masters are also able to detect and categorize the various Reiryoku Patterns, and are even able to detect the subtle nuances of beings such as Visoreds.  

Reiryoku Control:
The aforementioned emission of spiritual power is a common and natural phenomenon, but a spiritual being can also control the degree of this emission, this usually requires a certain amount of skill and training. By completely blocking his/her Reiryoku "pouring out", one can completely hide his/her presence from other spiritual beings and spiritually aware humans. On the other hand, amplifying this emission is known as Reiatsu (霊圧, Spiritual Pressure), is considered a show of force, a means of intimidation or can even be an attack in itself. It can indeed paralyze opponents and cause direct damage to the surrounding individuals and inanimate objects alike. Aside from controlling the amount of emitted Reiryoku, most spiritual beings  are capable of performing many superhuman feats with the help of their Reiryoku. These feats usually require a certain level of concentration, and they tend to tire the person after some time, or after performing some of them in quick succession. It is also known that after excessive usage of Reiryoku, Shinigami need food to replenish their strength, while on the other hand, the regular souls that dwell in Soul Society that do not use their Reiryoku do not need to eat.
No Control- This refers to those who are incapable of properly controlling their spiritual power. This generally applies to those who have yet to learn to properly harness their abilities, or those with more Reiryoku than they could properly manage. Such individuals are incapable of performing Kidō.  

Novice Control- This refers to individuals who, though they have learned to channel their Reiryoku still lack the necessary skill to capitalize upon it for long durations. Such users may find themselves with low success in casting Kidō, the spells having a high chance of exploding or backfiring on them.  

Average Control- This refers to those individuals who have learned to harness their Reiryoku with minor concentration. They are able to cast  Kidō with slightly higher success, though needing to chant the entirety of the incantation to guarantee a successful execution of the spell, ensuring it does not dwindle in power or backfire. They are skilled practitioners in terms of using their spiritual power to enhance their speed and strength, though may generally require outside aid in properly suppressing their Reiryoku.

Great Control- This refers to those who have trained to properly manage and harness their spiritual powers. Such individuals may find enhancing their abilities demanding less concentration on their part, able to perform them in quick succession for longer durations of time, and may even suppress their Reiryoku from leaking out, blocking it from being detected from spiritually aware humans, individuals with no or poor control, and generally standard Hollows and seated Shinigami beneath 5th seat.

Mastered Control- Refers to individuals who have mastered the control over their Reiryoku. Such individuals are able to enhance their abilities with little to no concentration for prolonged periods of time. Some such individuals may display such control that they are able to cast powerful Kidō Spells, foregoing their incantations while losing very little of the spell’s actual power, and may even suppress their Reiryoku from being detected by Captain/Espada Level individuals.
BLEACH 69fc43681e734b81fd851ce55f5387fe
The physical force/pressure that a person’s Reiryoku creates when released. Most Shinigami and Arrancar, and Quincy can manipulate the release of their reiatsu. The difference between spiritual pressure and spiritual energy is simple: Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person’s Reiryoku exerts. The difference is much like energy and power. Power being the amount of energy exerted per unit of time. Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy in use. In general, those with high levels of Reiryoku will often have the highest levels of Reiatsu also. A skilled warrior can overcome a person possessing greater Spirit Energy by possessing greater Spiritual Pressure.

Novice- You are more than likely a student still within the academy, having yet to properly harness your spiritual powers, and as a result being unable to resist the spiritual pressure exerted by other spiritual beings such as seated officers from sixth seat and up. You probably have low reiryoku, or at the very least, very low control.

Specialist- You are most likely one who has graduated the academy joined the 13 court guards and/or trained their abilities to the extent that you are able to exert your spiritual powers in the form of a pressure. Your pressure is able to restrict the movements of lower spiritual beings and seated officers and has at least one effect to it. You are more capable of resisting the spiritual pressure of others, being pressured by at the very least third seats and up. You more than likely have an impressive pool of reiryoku.

Expert- One with a great pool of reiryoku and who has seen a variety of battles, or trained for many years within the 13 court guards. You are trained in exerting your spiritual power in the form of pressure, affecting the immediate environment around you. Spiritual beings equivalent to a third seat and lower are more likely to be intimidated and affected by your pressure. You are able to resist the pressure exerted by most Vice Captains and, to some extent, some Captain level opponents. Your reiatsu most likely has at least two effects.

Master- You are a veteran with a large pool of reiryoku. You are perhaps a Captain or, at the very least a Captain level shinigami. Your reiatsu when released can be felt over vast distances, and can easily damage and affect the environment around you and those within its reach. No one below Captain level is your opponent, other challengers finding themselves hard pressed in resisting the force of your reiatsu. It is not uncommon to have three or more effects to your reiatsu.

Reiatsu Colors:  Different Spirits have different colors of reiatsu, solely determined by the Character's personality.

Reiatsu Shape: Some Characters have a shape or manifestation of their energy whenever they release enough of it.(Only fill this portion out if it applies to you, if not omit this from your bio)

Reiatsu Effect(s):
(These effects are found only in the Reiatsu of Lt. and Captain level Shinigami)
Fear- Reiatsu at its most basic level can instill fear in others when it is very high.
Stunning- High level spiritual power can cause those of lower power to be stunned by simply being in the presence of a high level spiritual being.
Paralysis- When a spiritual being of high reiatsu chooses to they can paralyze an opponent just by focusing pressure through their stare or presence.
Phantom Pain- High Level of Spiritual pressure can make an opponent feel as though they are being attacked though nothing is physically happening to them.
Damage- In some instances releasing enough reiatsu in one burst can cause burns, cuts or shockwaves.
Killing- In high enough quantities, spiritual pressure can be lethal to others, especially those with weak or no reiatsu of their own.

Reiatsu Type:
Standard Type- The type most spiritual beings have that can hold any of the aforementioned effects, along with its unique color and feeling.
Dual Type- All Visored and Arrancar have this specific reiatsu. For Visored they feel more like Shinigami, while Arrancar feel more like Hollows. When releasing their Hollow powers Visoreds feel more like Hollows.
Element Type- Unique type of reiatsu that holds elemental properties
BLEACH 69fc43681e734b81fd851ce55f5387fe
Zanjutsu Level:
Zanjutsu (斬術, Swordsmanship; Viz "Art of the Sword") is the fighting style for the Zanpakutō (i.e. sword fighting) and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami. It is shameful for a Shinigami to not master at least this technique. It is the specialty of the 11th Division.

Practitioner- A practitioner holds only a basic understanding of swordsmanship, having little to no skill in the art. These are generally the common academy students upon first entering into the academy, novices at best.

Swordsman- Swordsmanship specialists are those that specialize in the use of swords during combat. Someone of this level has to have basic skills in swordsmanship as well. All seated officers of the Gotei 13 have to possess at the very least this level of skill.

Expert Swordsman- An Expert swordsman is highly skilled using their Zanpakuto while sealed or in its Shikai. Most lieutenants are experts, since they must know Shikai and have mastered it to a degree, so as to be promoted. This applies also to some higher seated officers as well and in some cases to captains who even though possibly having attained their Bankai, don't commonly engage in swordsmanship as their desired form of combat.

Master Swordsman- Master Swordsmanship Specialists vary greatly by power and technique. The criteria for a master is simple; one must have masterful skill in swordsmanship above all else. The attainment of this level of skill is a testament to the wielder's power and determination. Most Shinigami Captains are masters, since as the heads of their divisions, they are the true military power of Soul Society. As use of the Zanpakuto is the Shinigami's primary form of combat, it is preferable to have mastered skill in order to achieve the rank of captain though mastery is not excluded to them or even to Shinigami.

Known Techniques: What techniques does your character know?[/size]


Hohō Level:  
The name given to one of the four combat skills of the Shinigami and relates to footwork. Hohō (歩法, Step Method; Viz "Fast Movement") is a defensive style of fighting which relates to footwork. Hohō is an important skill for most Shinigami, and is one of their four basic fighting styles. The agility and speed of Hohō can be enhanced and improved through mastery of it, concentration, and training. The foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Onmitsukidō. Shunpo (Flash steps) is the greatest expression of the Hoho technique. However, there are variations even within Shunpo that only master Hoho practitioners can use.

No Shunpo- Those in this category possesses no skill for Hohō and instead rely on walking to get where they need to be or have trained extensively to enhance their natural speed to a level allowing them move considerably fast though decidedly under that of Shunpo.

Shunpo Practitioner- Practitioners of the technique can maintain fast movements for a short period of time, by seemingly taking only a few steps to bridge what would normally be a large distance. Those who are practitioners commonly use their knowledge of Hoho while engaging in combat to close the space between combatants. Those practitioners that maintain these high speeds for too long tend to become winded.

Shunpo Expert- Experts of the technique are considerably fast and are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time. While not as fast as a master they can keep up quite effectively. Some holding the title are faster than others but nonetheless their application of the technique is highly advanced.

Shunpo Master- Masters of the technique are obviously by far the fastest beings within Soul Society. They are capable of maintaining high speed movements for extended periods of time while only using the least amount of steps to achieve those movements. Masters are capable of using Advanced steps which are considerably harder to initiate. A master can possibly create new techniques but it is most likely a rare occurrence.(Note only those who have trained and achieved mastery either stated or shown, outside any advantage they gain from Shikai, Bankai or otherwise are included in this listing).

Known Techniques: What techniques does your character know?[/size]


Hakuda Level:
Hakuda (白打, White Hits; Viz "Hand-to-Hand Combat") is a close-combat style of fighting in which one is unarmed and uses only ones body, and is one of the four basic fighting styles of the Shinigami. High-speed Taijutsu (Body Skill) attacks are used to overwhelm the opponent. Physical strength and skill is determined by this class. It also seems to be a combination of several martial arts. The foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukido.

Novices- Hakuda novices are those that have just began to learn the basics of the art such as Academy students and those that are not versed in the fighting style.

Hakuda Practitioner- Casual users of this art can take on average armed opponents. Those of this level are among the seated and unseated officers of the Gotei 13. Capable enough in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. Practitioners aren't the most likely to engage in hand-to-hand combat on average but they can use it as an option.

Hakuda Combatant- Average users of this art can take on average armed opponents and put up a pretty decent effort against those many times their size. Those of this level are among the seated and unseated officers of the Gotei 13. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle.

Expert Hakuda Combatant- Experts of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily, and as mentioned before, the Onmitsukido are the best-trained Shinigami in Hakuda. Those of this level are among the seated officers of the Gotei 13. Well versed in hand-to-hand combat in instances where they are lacking in a weapon or need the use of the skill to give them an edge in battle. While not masters, an Expert is more than capable of handling themselves in a physical altercation.

Master Hakuda Combatant- Masters of this art can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size easily, and as mentioned before, the Onmitsukido are the best-trained Shinigami in Hakuda. The 2nd Division captain and their 3rd seat, or head of the Detention Unit, are most often the premier masters. In particular, the Detention Unit head must prove their mastery of Hakuda to even be considered for the position. This is because the Detention Unit's prison, the Maggots' Nest, is a weapons-free zone. Anyone who enters must be able to, or be under the protection of one able to completely protect themselves with only their bare hands.

Known Techniques: What techniques does your character know?[/size]


Kido Skill Level:  
Kidō (鬼道, Demon/Spirit Way; Viz "Demon Arts") is a form of Shinigami combat based on advanced spells. These spells are produced with strong Reiryoku and fall into two categories: Hadō for direct attacks, and Bakudō for battle support. It is one of the techniques in the Zankensoki, the group of Shinigami primary combat skills. Kidō spells are triggered by an incantation. Experienced users can trigger them without an incantation, though the effectiveness of the spell may be diminished. The Kidō Corps is a branch of Soul Society's military which excels in the mastery of Kidō.

Novice- Academy students and those not talented in the use of Kido. They generally require absolute focus as well as the repetition of a full incantation in order to produce the desired effect. Those at this level of mastery, or lack thereof, results in as many successful Kido as it does unsuccessful attempts.

Kidō  Practitioner- More skilled than a Novice, this is typically an expected level of a lower seated member of most Divisions, the exception being the 11th Division. Failures drop significantly while the concentration needed is less than that of a novice. While the incantation is still needed, some are able to cast severely weakened Kido without one. At this level, only lower ranked Kido are available for use.

Kidō Specialist- One who specializes in the use of Kido, those at this level are able to pull off powerful Kido with incantations as well as cast fairly strong versions without. Generally speaking this level is for higher seated officers of most divisions(11th again being an exception). Lower ranked Kido are stronger while mid ranked kido are able to be used.

Kidō Expert- A Kido expert is one able to near flawlessly cast powerful kido without an incantation. When an incantation is used the power of their kido increases noticeably.  Low to mid ranked kido increase in effectiveness while higher ranked Kido become available for use. Usually limited to Lt., Captain and Kido Corp members.

Kidō Master- A true master of Kido is able to shirk off the limits of incantations, able to cast even higher level Kido with little to no effort. All level of Kido are available for use, several times more effective than that of the previous level. When incantations are added to their Kido, a Master is able to perform devastating and awe-inspiring feats. Typically only captain ranked individuals or high ranking members of the Kido Corps are found to be of this caliber.

Known Spells: What Spells does your character know?[/size]

Skills and Abilities: Any noteworthy attributes about your Character shall be listed here
BLEACH B08e30895a950f8aebec26eb3c9a3eac
Equipment: What does your character carry on them?
Inventions: Have you invented a device or perhaps a unique type of kido or unique kido spell?
BLEACH B058eb90a2192d708ba91d19c113fc89
Zanpakuto Name: State the name of your Zanpakuto
Zanpakuto Appearance: Describe the appearance of your Zanpakuto in its sealed state(unless your Zanpakuto is a constantly released type). Include information such as wear and how it is worn, size and blade type. Also state the name of your Zanpakuto here.
Zanpakuto Spirit: Describe the appearance of your Zanpakuto and its personality

Inner World: Describe the appearance of your Inner world and its inner workings

Release Phrase: What is the Incantation used to release your Zanpakuto into its Shikai?

BLEACH F1a1728b0cef331b835dcefe42349e4c
Shikai Special Ability:

BLEACH 998548f20f3e430c0b4680e95ce531db
Bankai Special Ability:  
BLEACH Fb616b6ea3ee631cb41df984c02194e9
(NOTE: The following portion of the format applies only if your character is a Vizard, if not one omit from your bio)
Inner Hollow: Describe the appearance and personality of the hollow restrained within you.
Hollow Mask: Describe the appearance of your mask and how you don it.
Cero: Describe the color of your cero and how it is fired
Hollow Augmentations:
BLEACH Fecca862ec7f4ffddf73ae54886cf1a7
Personal Relationships: Non-Mandatory
Likes: Non-Mandatory
Dislikes: Non-Mandatory  
Hobbies: Non-Mandatory
Favorite Food(s): Non-Mandatory
Seretei Communication Column: Have you Submitted any columns in the SCC? If so what were they about?
BLEACH 5c22e99561540721d669fa72bec57ebe

BLEACH C351d958cdbf87a5a739b6cf1103baa3
Character Appearance:


BLEACH Be5aa85f0b4c4a673f1103be2c398da8
BLEACH 06884a638a4452eb10b852a2cd3c11f1
BLEACH 8691a2e7eda6e77d6702a9e77dbfa172
BLEACH 6995aa888d710fc77d00c1955ebfe337
BLEACH B08e30895a950f8aebec26eb3c9a3eac
BLEACH B058eb90a2192d708ba91d19c113fc89
BLEACH F1a1728b0cef331b835dcefe42349e4c
BLEACH 998548f20f3e430c0b4680e95ce531db
BLEACH 5c22e99561540721d669fa72bec57ebe
BLEACH Fecca862ec7f4ffddf73ae54886cf1a7
BLEACH 69fc43681e734b81fd851ce55f5387fe

BLEACH 62168a738d482435f2ad5cd2a022e01a
BLEACH 1bd41a2c3e2b909dbfc973dedfa94716
BLEACH 4148c4e7b504f5a764d7dcab6beaef81
BLEACH 8af4efada7063e5aeeab8f65a6d7d446
BLEACH D57cc45b7126ae9e4ce34c480a3847b8
BLEACH 88b10a5be59dc78a85ca6cce99e4d3fa
BLEACH 7866c79b777bb6231021b74edcf0672e
BLEACH 3243fafa4aec7247c9de30510a727634
BLEACH Bcf12b821d77d27ed3d40da92a578d83
BLEACH B35df29f58c27c96f012aa7238fc3970

BLEACH Bc084f0298535238ab55a0a09acb9fd8
BLEACH C3c592742dc39334a5d0fe8d3dad7028
BLEACH 5190ee6252696027dd5b7f938347bde1
BLEACH A5aead0ad7727dbb690c31ecaf9b57a4
BLEACH C21a2e94f5301cc1b952e41bc8f20a1d
BLEACH 9cb84a31f34dfd87de34cfe06f939635
BLEACH 1f74953b933032150b16d44afaf471b3
BLEACH 7b981b171407b0fb3a3ed7884dac01f5

BLEACH D69c3cce4f4d2ceba7dc08fb0bb3438f
BLEACH 16bef41c4f49919139b25546a7f4bac0
BLEACH 422e28ec80261675472387b9be8ff51e
BLEACH 77d94cb50b9eace4caa13f02d29da6d4
BLEACH B2fe5ca66862bd70b7d3f09f033c1b8e
BLEACH 6995671154ea7b2ed9767608ffb8afc5
BLEACH 439b6f7cb8b66414c0a189a58b363187
BLEACH 0530712b82cde173b2b50c65ef4c23db

BLEACH 8b8a083304aad8f2e7d3e6d7b62cb9c6
BLEACH 2ecd452025334cba415aaa7759085013
BLEACH 627651273eac9bcde1baf1add29b68db
BLEACH 4ae758905d66e897beab9c0017e80b40
BLEACH D3d018a433fbd3e2e783b1dc1e3c6ea1
BLEACH 0555462628bdb3affd65feca5b592127
BLEACH 31133581faf954ab75104fe23f6dfda4
BLEACH 79400dc1c822f6dff3859a21aecb143e

BLEACH D5416f78fadc1cc256888b79a04eb90e
BLEACH Fc8a9ad735c2a3aff109545bd849e1b3
BLEACH 9bdd40e301c397a55e0335aca79428f0
BLEACH 791100abbd6aa612d7697e13eca349a8
BLEACH 5e44c396d564fa9b4b1aaf2e480fb66b
BLEACH D051befae715f807ba22786c252bd87d
BLEACH B8fcc000575f9f1313aa58e63682d21b
BLEACH 94354dbcf9bc03b2991931ac16842b5e

BLEACH Ea7a052d314765c7ed77a2e0e2349f63
BLEACH Cd0d43416f41907fd13ca7a387f943a2
BLEACH 79958c0d995c33059e3b948ce25ff7c5
BLEACH 918d154dccea857a3270721dc04832fd
BLEACH A40306fce9555856bf7fcf99d97ecec0
BLEACH 8c050f562394f743491805e7e4096cc8
BLEACH 4e2cd9f85b7f2999fd0f97d8adf8363b BLEACH 4d00a0ca5fe876620df3e68bbddfc767
BLEACH Deaa3b702f45a04281c3588206141f05
BLEACH D9fe917c5e21bf9d0bc419f7aca2f5d3
BLEACH A8901b72443ed10d7a4698e1fe2b5bcc
BLEACH 7a5fb8f1e5881f9281e4f5b1ee318ab4

BLEACH Bc910e0b1b5bfc6099b96851065f6305
BLEACH 6862fa7943cded6515de60c9ae5a1ec8
BLEACH 645429d621fcf3a2d334c7b61d7f1d21
BLEACH Fc278435262262d1a1a614ff4ff35966
BLEACH Ebb49c56017897cbef272de055dc523d
BLEACH Eea5e12be0360d73a7a336741de50e46
BLEACH 318675e6d31269ab8079eebb1b02729d
BLEACH 7884619842f83bfc2c413186d6d78b84
BLEACH 4119e64b3a984fd9ceff044b1315291e
BLEACH D6c2eb53a31d19935bc88f1a3eb7e82d
BLEACH 4923dedb224777d845ffda1b5345cb3c
BLEACH 8ef163da16d41fb1df3c6aa967fb9dd1

BLEACH Higen-Divider
BLEACH F5145e3d2dceef1fcbe758b086f2eef5
BLEACH 659b84b243dc8e91c5c897c5426926eb
BLEACH 8be041717c1fb585eefc6279f4411d00
BLEACH 524ca8231b38c535cd8768b28c9bbfac
BLEACH Bc53b8e497976d6420c440ef9cfccf21
BLEACH 1c98131442610ee32000f099ed35415a
BLEACH 080e5998f10c3968488ac770a8db7eb1
BLEACH 012126a8decdb14aced0c1168353b690
BLEACH C645c461278cbfd973adb0007144e2ab BLEACH Fd40da4a9b8601215641c7b78d3e869d
BLEACH 1f6a01d08af737a67a644a80dc35ff62
BLEACH D77adb72ac704fbe73300dd740fa489c

BLEACH Dab872ebb391e0f8b531586383c82ba0
BLEACH C172e51c1a0527f619dacca9242cb00a
BLEACH 3a38d6b162eea4581a9b4af7ce344628
BLEACH Bd8d4627265ab4c8050f382fe918800b
BLEACH C819caf95ad47be0f92ca73d3d63e765
BLEACH C819caf95ad47be0f92ca73d3d63e765
BLEACH Efd41d6144d668344f70f1715214bca3
BLEACH 407717cc5089ed64fe312b3cc011efb4

BLEACH 4995f361bf1b2c55155775c667383367
BLEACH D28793e85cf2127e1d4cbde6fc3cc4ed
BLEACH 1c4a89fe291a4eeffc172982aa6e0f55
BLEACH 96370deb4bd2966b3eaa7eae187c9c37
BLEACH Bcbcda4f6d8af1f73a1c4172977b58f8
BLEACH Dd2e53a35d759a9688fe0dc6f7322e8a
BLEACH 9f04eec5f958876da1abd968cdf8c854
BLEACH D81becab5d41052a0121330ba129fdaf
BLEACH E904f7f0aecc6ef573cdff6d775a857c
BLEACH 0a96b5706205cd7ed877a4ff865d29b4
BLEACH Dc6c6f2ea2696f329640ac20aa6c3d65

BLEACH 77e42bbe0cd1d9977e055fcc87fb3d69
BLEACH 22a5603263c8c7426d8136c7a76c84e5  
BLEACH A65abfd7d95f7ed50dfcb51825cef10b
BLEACH Edd21ddd14f2e40eecaacfaf9659a746  
BLEACH 9a26f4dfc010f6cfa8bff7db528dac31  
BLEACH Fca41523a436cdff99773f199abc3500
BLEACH B80ebf0f9eaee4127a3cab2894025c0b  
BLEACH 94f2e7ade6c203312fa499ce164ce3a5  
BLEACH 1607027f0d580c4ce7cfa5c7e89a3432  
BLEACH 7354466bb67a1d857c51968b9a15e912  
BLEACH 4b33f2417421e36619cc58ef3ed5ccb7  
BLEACH Cb5d731ba7f7264a124daa037d992f97  


2BLEACH Empty Re: BLEACH Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:40 pm



BLEACH 8ef163da16d41fb1df3c6aa967fb9dd1
“Bitch, try me.”
“A weakling seeking approval from others will remain an ant.”
“If her boobs ain't bigger than Honoka-chan's, I don't wan' her.”
BLEACH 8ef163da16d41fb1df3c6aa967fb9dd1
BLEACH Bc910e0b1b5bfc6099b96851065f6305
The Koi of Kojima (xxxx), LT Kyuuzou (xxx), Kyu (xxx), Pervert (xxx), Zaraki Demon (xxx)

Character Name: Kyuuzou Kojima
•( 急増, Explosion) - (小島Little Island )•
Actual Age: 368
Physical Age: 20
Race: Shinigami
Birthday: September 13th
Gender: MaleBLEACH ZazwGl
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160 lbs
Blood Type: B
BLEACH 6862fa7943cded6515de60c9ae5a1ec8
Affiliation: 9th Division, Gotei 13, Seretei, Soul Society, Kojima Clan
Profession: Soul Reaper
Title: Vice-Captain(Lieutenant)
Position: Manga and Magazine editor
Division: 9th Division
Previous Division: N/a
Partner(s): Maho KojimaJiroshizō Raikyū
Previous Partner(s):
Base of Operations: Seretei, Soul Society, 9th Divison, Kojima Castle
BLEACH 645429d621fcf3a2d334c7b61d7f1d21
Notable Features: What physical features or traits stand out about your character? (i.e, do they appear as an animal? Are they missing a limb?)

Personality: How does your character behave? What sort of habits does he or she have? How are they perceived by others?

Relatives: Maho Kojima
BLEACH Fc278435262262d1a1a614ff4ff35966

Vast Spiritual Power
 Although many other soul reapers have their own talents, Kyuuzou is among a rare breed compared to his counterparts, an enigma of sorts. Even though shinigami are born with a cap of spiritual power, there are specific traces from Kyuuzou's past life as to why he was reborn with vast energy. Before Kyuuzou was born into the soul society, his zeal for combat along with his sense of adventure to be one of the strongest never faded; after being shot multiple times he attempted to keep fighting, ultimately dying while standing up alongside the Dragon of Kojima. Anything that Kyuuzou has done in his life has always been followed with a unique color of enthusiasm that has always separated him from the pack. Various individuals have felt Kyuuzou's bottomless potential, but others have either been interested in his progression or terrified of it. According to Maho, Kyu's spiritual pressure feels like a tsunami that is capable of suffocating beings and energies around it until nothing is left, his power transcends that of an average beast. For those with a lack of words to describe his power refer to him as a monster because he takes nothing but pleasure from fighting no matter the opponent or the situation. 

Kyuuzou has enough reriyoku to shake the skies, but despite this vast power, his control is poor, so much that Jiro and Maho gave Kyuuzou a unique shirt that stores away the majority of his spiritual power, having it match an immense level.

Although it may not hold any significance, when Kyu was a child, all the way up until he was twenty (the age he died in the human realm), he was able to detect the presence of ghosts and see them as well. With his talent to interact with ghosts, he kept the information to himself since he didn't want to be labeled as an outcast by his people, or his brother, but with Kyuuzou's determination to become stronger he honed the ability as best he could to catch up with Maho in order to join the Yakuza, the ghosts helped Kyu out with his martial arts and some of his judgment making. Being born into the Kojima family meant to have a will beyond that of breaking, Maho's reputation of the Dragon reached many nearby towns and cities due to his strength and since Kyuuzou came from the same background of battle and bloodshed he worked relentlessly to have his name rival Maho's through a brutal fighting style. 

When Kyu was reborn into the soul-society he had an unnatural level of reiryoku that was monstrous for his age at the time, some of his past qualities from being a yakuza seemed to transmigrate with him. He was born in the lawless Zaraki district, there he was given a few aliases, but the ones that stood out the most were 'The Explosive Demon', 'The Zaraki Demon', and 'Zaraki's Devil' because of the beast-like fighting style he used to kill other murderers and criminals with in order to defend himself along with his ambition to lead a powerful gang in the streets of Rukongai. There were many times that Kyu was offered a seat in the Gotei 13, but he turned it down since he was more attracted to the street life at the time. He was initially desired for his level of spiritual energy which compared to or surpassed highly trained captains.

Expert - Average Control 
As stated in previous information, Kyuuzou was one of the more gifted humans and being reborn into the SS has granted him a special talent for sensory. Kyuuzou abuses this skill to the max when it comes to fighting, gaining intelligence on the opponent, as well as hunting them down. When he can't detect an opponent through staple means he focuses energy into one or all of his five basic senses, enhancing them so he can track and fight better. As of recently, Kyuuzou has become more focused on trying to master his five senses to have more leverage in combat, such as being able to smell fear, basic illusions, and more. His level of perception runs deep since he is capable of reading masked emotions, even being able to weed out a liar since he comes from a sick criminal background. 

 Maho was originally not going to allow Kyuuzou to enter the 9D as the LT even though he had the skills to hold the title. When he first was offered the position he only had basic control over his reriyoku, although it's still unknown why Kyuuzou joined the Gotei 13, he had to pass Maho's condition which was achieving an average level of control, and if he slacked off without progressing it beyond average, Maho would kick him out. He has to rely on his shirt to contain most of his power, however, in this state, his reriyoku is powerful enough to cancel some high-level attacks considering his vast power.
BLEACH 8ef163da16d41fb1df3c6aa967fb9dd1
Master- All Kyuuzou has known up until now was defending himself and using his own strength to take what he wanted, and by living a life of crime he was exposed to the conditions every day. At the time before Maho became a captain, Maho wasn't a lenient teacher towards Kyuu since they lived in a place with waves of shady characters. Out of everyone in the Soul-Society, Kyuuzou has the most experience fighting his brother which he refers to as something extremely challenging, but satisfying. When Kyuuzou releases his reiatsu, red energy is followed with it which is a representation of his blood-lust trying to manifest its self. He typically uses this power to increase his already enhanced strength into supernatural levels that is capable of obliterating large structures. For those that have been against his spiritual pressure, they describe it as an unshakable titanic wall.

Reiatsu Colors: Crimson

Reiatsu Shape: Skull

Reiatsu Affect: Fear, Paralysis

Sword Expert - Kyuuzou has an unorthodox style of fighting, he would rather use three or two blades in combat due to it offering him more freedom to be versatile throughout the match. Kyuuzou refers to his swordplay as simple, but others who have gone up against him has stated that his way of swordsmanship is puzzling to whatever eye (Average, Intermediate, Advanced) and even the 6th sense. Kyuuzou wields his blades with so much strength that shock waves and gales of wind will erupt from him slashing his blade through the air if he desires it. The intensity behind some of his swings is enough to destroy entire building structures and mountains. Besides Kyuuzou's offensive ability, his manipulation over defense is far more impressive, he has fashioned his blades to work offensively and defensively at the same time in order to pressure opponents. Kyuuzou's way of the sword is an ongoing journey because he hopes to become a master and more one day.

Shunpo Master -  Besides using his swords, Kyuuzou is more into hand to hand fighting, boxing to be exact. In boxing footwork is everything, so it was vital that Kyuuzou enhanced his shunpo to terrifying levels in order to dance circles around anyone. He knows the standard shunpo skills but has made his own techniques for it. A single step is enough to create after images while two will make him blinding, if he takes anymore he will completely vanish from sight, leaving the opponent to use a different range of sensory tactics to keep up. 

Hakuda Master - Kyuuzou's hand to hand being mixed with his monstrous strength is a deadly combination because before he picked up a sword he was heavily into boxing, seeing the art of it as beautiful. Kyuuzou's handwork is so refined it looks flawless and cuts through the air like butter, his strikes look like whips sometimes, while other times they can rarely be tracked if the opponent lacks the ability to accurately read an opponent's body and spiritual language.

Kido Practitioner - Kido has always been something Kyuuzou has shy'd away from simply because he is more focused on the physical aspect of combat which has resulted in his Kido suffering. Maho has to force Kyuuzou to study and practice Kido so he won't fall behind the other vice-captains. 

Skills and Abilities

Monstrous Strength - 
Keen Intellect - 
Reitsu Durability - 
Supernatural Agility - 
Enhanced Refexes - 
BLEACH Ebb49c56017897cbef272de055dc523d

BLEACH Eea5e12be0360d73a7a336741de50e46
BLEACH 318675e6d31269ab8079eebb1b02729d
Kyuuzou's Shikai ability allows him 

The ability stacks his power as long as he continues to hit something from the opponent (or on them) if he hits them one time, a meter will appear on both of his gloves. this meter appears after one hit to something belonging to them, the more energy th opponent releases, it will send them into a debt which will charge Kyuuzou's gloves with strength and fire power that grows stronger each post.

When  Kyuuzou lands a hit on his opponent, most of his spiritual energy is lent to them, and vice versa, any attacks done on Kyuuzou by the opponent is given back to him, until all of Kyuuzou's aura is returned to him, he cannot be damaged by the opponent in anyway, the same goes for the opponent , each of kyuuzou's attacks lends more aura to the opponent while the opponent's attacks lends more to him, the person taking the hits can still be knocked away from the impact of attacks.

Kyuuzou's shikai ability is useless to those on the outside watching him, but it has high value when learning the opponent, and even leaving them vulnerable for days. 

During this phase of the ability, neither Kyuuzou or his opponent has access to their reriyoku or reiatsu after his ability has been established. If the opponent tries to gain a distance further than 20 feet, they will begin losing their reriyoku which will be given to Kyuuzou once the battle battle is over. To escape the ability, each user is given a percentage based on their spiritual energy. Vast (500%) (Average - 200%) Attacks from opponents will count as 30 DMG, whoever hits 0 first will lose an actually receive the damage they took during the battle.  

If the opponent doesn't want to accept he damage that may kill them, break their bones or have them sluggish, they can call for O.T (Over-Time), but instead of taking physical damage, they will have their total power of reriyoku depleted for how many attacks they recieve, the same goes for the creator of the attack by accepting the terms.
BLEACH 7884619842f83bfc2c413186d6d78b84
BLEACH 4119e64b3a984fd9ceff044b1315291e
BLEACH D6c2eb53a31d19935bc88f1a3eb7e82d
Kyuuzou Kojima like his older brother, Maho, was affiliated with the Yakuza from an early age, Maho was forced into the life style by their father in order to put in work for the family by paying what he owed. If Maho refused the order, then their father, Gintaro Kojima was going to force Kyuuzou into the life style, and being the good natured' person that Maho was he took up the mantle as the families second dragon. Kyuuzou admired his brother enough to join the family business, one that Maho fought hard to keep him out of, but Maho knew he couldn't decide such a thing for his little brother, the will was going to get what it wanted in his book. Maho demanded that Kyuuzou join his squad if he were to enter the Yakuza life style. As years went on, Kyuuzou earned enough stripes to become the Koi of the family, but during the celebration night after his ceremony, an undercover detective who had been working on the inside along with another member of the Kojima family decided to commit suicide and take down the family out since high ranking family heads were there. Maho was shot in the head while in a fierce battle, he died instantly from the shot and just as Kyuuzou saw it, he was shot in the chest multiple times. Despite being shot he stood back up, but as he did a giant explosion devoured the Kojima Estate, killing him and whoever was in it.

In Kyuuzou's new life, many things from his past life were replicated into the new one, such as his personality and thrill for street life. He enjoyed the life style for years, earning a name for himself in the streets, but such fame tainted the Kojima name which meant affecting Maho's repution to some degree. One night Maho approached Kyuuzou and challenged him to a fight because he wanted his younger brother to become his LT, if Kyuuzou lost then he had no choice. Maho wanted to better Kyuu's lifestyle and his other negative influences, and till this day, Kyuuzou isn't sure what his older brother see's in him, but due to their deal, he does his job as the 9th division's LT with help from his associate (really his best friend) Jiro.
BLEACH 4923dedb224777d845ffda1b5345cb3c

BLEACH 8ef163da16d41fb1df3c6aa967fb9dd1

Last edited by Shinobi on Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


3BLEACH Empty Re: BLEACH Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:13 pm





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